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2012 Fall Journalism Starts New Year

Proctor's fall Journalism class brings you an installment of our writing. This site is an organic "working newsroom" where the writing is shared, shaped, and edited - an ongoing process where some articles continue to evolve. We strive for authentic stories that explore Proctor and our world. Click on a link and enjoy. Please comment and tell us what you think!
Helen Denning, a three year senior and resident of Eco dorm, likes nothing more or less than a good British cup of tea and a chinwag with happy, good natured folks.
Sustainable Dining Hall
“Whether it is the local apples and cider, organic beans, pasta or rice, Proctor’s dining hall is making strides to support organic and local food in its daily routine.”
Denning's Article
Moriah Keat is a four year senior who is often found ski patroling, kayaking, and adventuring. She is currently working on building a 16' Swampscott Dory and blogging about it at http://stargazershalo.blogspot.com/
The Crossroads of Proctor
“Upon First glance, one sees a classic private boarding school.”
Moriah's Article
Connor Saunders is a four year senior from New Hampshire.
Stephen Harris, The Face of the Student Body
“For the first time, Mr. Stephen Harris walks on to the stage during assembly.”
Will Rouse is a three year senior who has lived in Gannett House for two years. He enjoys mountain biking, snowboarding and cycling. "Chris Rogers..."
Will's Article
Francheska Ventura (a.k.a "Cheka"), is a four year senior who enjoys playing sports.
"It is crazy how passion can take someone so far."
Cheka's Article
Fall Journalism 2012
Helen just goes by 'Denning'
Moriah on Ocean Classroom
Connor on leadership