Town vs. Gown, Theatre Profile, The Tao of Proctor, the Long Board Hornet, Slocumb -the New Wise

Proctor's fall Journalism class brings you another exciting installment of student writing.  This site is an organic "working newsroom" where the writing is shared, shaped, and edited - an ongoing process where some articles continue to evolve (no, they aren't perfect).  We strive for authentic stories intended for a real audience - you!  Click on a link and enjoy. Send any comments to this page and tell us what you think.

Canon Brownell is a four year senior and has lived across the street from Proctor for all 18 years of his life. He likes anything you like.... or at least can pretend to!


Andover vs. Proctor

“I live a double life.”

Canon's article

Bud Hallock enjoys playing lacrosse, skiing, and sailing

The Tao of Proctor:  Are We Still an Outdoor School?

“Your head is drenched with sweat and your aching feet only complement the sharp pains in your shoulders and back.”

Bud's article


Derric Tankersley is a four year senior. Currently, he is a part of the Proctor Dance Team and enjoys acting for fun


Inspire Desire

“Haley Peters is a four year senior and a day student here at Proctor Academy.”

Derric's article


Ben Chafee is a Junior at Proctor Academy. He likes to Ski, Surf, Sail, and Sleep


Jake the Long Boarding Adick

“When people think of Jake Adick they think of his hats or long boarding, but who is he really.”

Ben's article



Mackin Brinegar is a first year senior at Proctor.  "Live life simply or you'll never make it out alive."  - Mackin



A Funky Space or Social Hangout

“There is a new Wise in town and it is Slocumb.”

Mackin's article



PA Journalism - Spanning Global Andover
Bud, or "Budda"
Ben, pondering