The Value of Growing Up. Mickey Sweeney Profile

By Taylor Weaver,  2010

     “I have grown up since coming to boarding school” noted the new repeat freshmen Mickey Sweeney.  She’s a native of Falmouth, Massachusetts, and a star defenseman on the Proctor girls varsity ice hockey team. “At Proctor I would say that I have become a little more immature, but really I would have to say I have grown up in a lot of ways. I have become more independent living away from home and being on my own. Proctor has pushed me to make decisions for myself such as eating healthy and getting my school work done on time.  I have to stay organized more and use my time wisely. So yes, I have grown up since coming to boarding school.”


Mickey values what she has learned as a child, “My core values have stayed with me as I grew up and they have only become stronger.” She observes, “I ended up where I am today because of my supportive family pushing me to be the best I can be.” 


Before Mickey landed at Proctor sniping goals and playing great defense, she had a star debut as a figure skater. She claims switching to hockey was the best decision of her life. “I was around eight years old when I was in my first skating show. I dressed up in a dog suit with a tail, floppy ears, and everything. I was in a group of about ten girls my age and we skated to "Who Let The Dogs Out."  We emerged from a dog house. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Immediately after the show I turned in my figure skates for hockey skates.” 


I began to walk back to Mickey’s dorm, King House, and I saw her dorm parent’s dog. I figured why not ask the dog, Jake, what he thinks of Mickey. Jake barked excitedly and wagged his skinny tail and jumped up at Mickey - Jake had noticed the change in Mickey.  Before I left her dorm I asked her a final question, “How have your values changed from your childhood?” She thought about it for a few seconds and reflected on what was important to her.  “Nap times, my brothers, hockey, being a tom boy, and my friends at recess. Now I value food, sleep, hockey still, being happy, and my friends.”  Maybe some values don’t change.

Taylor - a goalie on the varsity hockey team
Mickey after trading her skates
with hockey teammates
In the Wise
Cheering in the Ted