Winter Blues
By Cody Sienkiewicz, '10

   Winter is the season with the biggest changes from the others. With winter, comes freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and more snow. Although it is still far from winter, there has been some close-to-winter weather showing up around the area. This small taste of what the winter might have in store for us has many people mentally preparing for the change.

There are many different moods on campus about winter.  Dylan Evans says he’s exited for winter because of the skiing, and he can also make igloos. However, he also feels sad in the winter because of the cold.

     People's interests and winter sports play a big role in how they feel about winter. Taylor Weaver, the goalie on the girls hockey team, says, “It’s so boring to be here, and depressing.”  Winter changes her mood. “It's not as sunny and there is less to do because hockey season restricts you.”  Students  are restricted by the weather.  It’s tough to go skiing on a real mountain or spend much time outside.

     Niels Davis has a different take on the winter. He says, “I am excited for winter because it is change, we are aware only of change, not anything else. Change is where satisfaction comes from, and skiing.”  Niels also says that he doesn't think the weather changes his moods, yet he notes, "Wet shoes are a bummer.”   When Niels is skiing he feels the best  and winter allows him to appreciate the warmth more. 

Some students don’t have to deal with the cold weather.  Senior Ripley Harrington said he is exited for the winter this year, “Because I am going to a warm place off campus.”  Ripley will be attending school in Morocco through Proctor.  Ripley also

recalls, “When I spend the winter at Proctor it makes my mood worse.” 

On campus, kids are excited because of their snow sport, but bummed because of the cold.  Skiers are very excited for the change in season because they can now ski every day and enjoy their sport.  The kids who enjoy skateboarding or biking like me have to wait a long time for spring to return.  Love it or hate it, winter is coming.

Happy freestylers
Dylan Evans, a 4 year senior from RI
Niels Davis, a senior from VT