May (2009)
April (2009)
November (2008)
Niko's World
The Best Medicine
(Ed. Note:) This is the second in a series of blogs written by Erik Major '09 as part of his Senior Project.

Around Proctor it has been rough week for some people whether it be because of all the rain, the swine flu, or because of an AP exam. So I wanted to create something that would hopefully cheer most or all of you up.

Smiles release endorphins that help to strengthen your immune system, relieve stress, and prevent the flu!

It is proven that if you take a blood pressure test while smiling the results will be significantly lower than if you were not smiling.

When you smile your body naturally makes it hard for you to think of negative thoughts, therefore you can trick your body in order to get in a better mood!

Most of all there is nothing better than sharing a smile with a friend.
A Natural
Tim putting forth his best efforts.
As happy as they come.
Colin spreading the love!