June (2014)
May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
George's Gift
Pick Yourself
February (2014)
December (2013)
Holiday Card
Good Causes
Frozen Assets
November (2013)
Sally B.
End Game
October (2013)
September (2013)
Self Study
Proctor's success stems from the willingness to risk granting enough freedom that students can exercise real responsibility. They own their success. The success of the development team (the '03-'04 Annual Fund exceeded $1,000,000!) stems from the permission we have to implement new methods and technologies. We're at the head of a revolution in philanthropy. This week we are sharing our experiences with 62 advancement professionals at Wow! Institute at Pats Peak in Henniker, New Hampshire. Below, Steve Wilkins describes how he allowed a capital campaign to proceed without a consultant, without a Major Gifts Officer, without a case statement, without an identified goal, without a gift pyramid scheme, without a brochure and without a team of volunteers.

That campaign, which was predicted to come in at 12 to 15 million, finished at 32M. The trick, it turns out, is to craft emotional bonds with key potential supporters; to steward gifts so that donors understand how their philanthropy is making a difference; to communicate in a fashion that is customized to the individual's interests and predispositions. Below, Betsy Peabody P'82 & '86, John O'Connor '79, Bill Peabody and Katie Hildner '91 share their insights as philanthropists.

Wow! exists to benefit the advancement industry. Jay, Kim, Greg, Keith, Bonny, Marnee, Lou, Sarah and I take nothing from our days here other than the exhilaration teachers know when students learn with mastery and enthusiasm. Still, it is true that no marketing venture, no publication and no publicized event could benefit Proctor more powerfully than these few days on a mountaintop. In our jargon, 62 attendees--from schools including MIT, Purdue and University of Wisconsin--are sneezing the "idea virus" that is Proctor.

Wow! offers both challenging, new theory (a distinct development plan for each major donor) and practical, hands-on experience, such as role playing. Below, representatives of fictitious non-profits meet "philanthropists" David Lawson and Jay Goulart and ask for $1,000,000 for their causes.

Jay Goulart. "It's all about love!"
Dartmouth College's Director of Communication David Gibson: "Know your audiences."
Proctor trustee Katie Hildner '91 chats with Tampa Prep's Sue Leavit.
Ingrid Healy from PolyPrep (NY).
Attendees come from 33 schools, colleges and other non-profits.
Ready to sneeze the idea virus.