June (2014)
May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
George's Gift
Pick Yourself
February (2014)
December (2013)
Holiday Card
Good Causes
Frozen Assets
November (2013)
Sally B.
End Game
October (2013)
September (2013)
Self Study
Art Imitating Life

Reviewing photos from the final week of the winter term, it occurs to me what a slippery slope exists bewteen art and life here. At the most concrete level, this refers to all of the decentralized arts offered as "skills courses" within the daily curriculum. Even the facilities are decentralized, with photography located between physics and biology classrooms. My point is that woodshop, boatbuilding, ceramics, jewelry, jazz band, etc. fit in your schedule just like math and science....

The slippery slope continues with academic classes that integrate the arts. An easy example: geometry students completing stain glass projects.

Now, students take over. John's ready for the start of his French 4 exam. He's spent the last 45 minutes arranging wooden blocks (with lateness notes scribbled on them from the boat house) into something he calls Feng Shui. Yep. Now he's ready.

Up at the smartboard to explain a property in Physics, Jesse can't resist some quick shadow puppetry.

A recent swing dance prompted the loudest, spontaneous ovation yet heard in the Norris Family Theater.
Changes to the schedule dedicate specific times for chorus...
...jazz band and other ensembles...
...dance, and other performing arts.
At a recent display of his photography in the upper gallery, Patrick complements his work with an interpretive pose.
Jake and teacher Brian Kellogg consider shades of color to display a physics problem on the smartboard.
Observe the flair with which John applies Redi-Whip to his sundae during the Brain Break.
Oh, I know....we've been here before...