We know from experience that the year accelerates to the finish; the last week of classes sneaks up on you; finals exams started Monday. It's a race.

This was the start of the 2nd annual 5k Fitness Run and Wellness Walk, which was an immesnse success Saturday morning. All proceeds went to Proctor Wellness, and thanks go to many organized by Kelly Griffin.

What you see in the image below is former School Leader Danny Loehr '11 in the red shirt, allowing every runner to get ahead before he starts to move....

Here is Danny finishing first, something like 19 minutes later, having passed
everyone! (Drew Donaldson '92, led the course on mountain bike.)

This was a joyous event; everyone a winner.

This event was immediately followed by well attended alumni lacrosse and softball games that--despite the skill level--are so friendly that the referees are jabboring away with the players...laughing, and having as much fun as anyone.

Next, we moved into the Cage for the annual Spring Fling, which is a kind of fair sponsored by the Parent Association, offering inflatable games, an elaborate trapeze, food, tie-dye, music and good times.
Dave serves up popcorn while Devon and Cros apply salt flavoring. Delicious.

Nick and Randy focus on Italian ice.

Daisy, this is the last....

Sam Jaxtimer's Senior Project is not the first to benefit the school, but his landscaped firepit promises to endure for decades. Ringed with crushed stone and benches that might have been erected by Druids long ago, this installation is a magnet for great social interaction and fun, as was proved at its inaugural firing Saturday. (The location is north of Slocumb--which is seen in the background--immediately east of North Street, right in the center of campus.)