The tradition of starting spring term with Project Period--a set of short, intense, small group activities--goes back forty years, to a time when Proctor virtually convulsed with creative new experiential programs. Like other contemporary initiatives (Mountain Classroom and language programs in Spain and France), Project Period has evolved significantly since 1974. Funded through tuition, today's edition is financially leaner, and projects tend to stay closer to home. The Snow & Ice group sent these images from their ascent of Mount Washington:

Little did they know that an interloper was checking out their bus back at the Pinkham Notch parking area; (thanks to Shauna's former student Erick Eisele for sharing this!)

Of the thirty-seven projects offered, three involved true outdoor adventure, including hut-to-hut skiing in northern Maine, and dogsledding (also in Maine). Closer to home, mountain bikers constructed two bridges (or are they jumps?!) over the stream draining Hopkins Pond at the east end of Proctor property.

Some years ago, we shortened Project Period to three-and-a-half days. The impact of this was both subtle and profound, as the dregree of student focus and productivity increased significantly.
Frisbee golfers fabricated and installed a five-hole course on the Ridge Trail above Leonard Field.

The Casino Royale project opened tables to other on-campus projects Thursday night....assuming you made it past the bouncers!

All Things Guitar entertained in the Community House, which served as command central for Project Period.

A very special project organized a major event that brought hundreds of people--and New Hampshire television news--to the Fieldhouse for a
St. Baldrick's event.

Dozens of people, including Proctor students, townspeople, and members of local fire departments sat and had their heads shaved, raising more than $27,000 for childhood cancer research! Check out this
news segment from Saturday evening's broadcast on WMUR!

A great week and great accomplishment!

Ethney's video!