Education, as defined at Proctor, is a system structured to maximize positive change. The change of seasons is a metaphor for our personal growth. It would be different in Florida or New Brunswick, but here in New Hampshire--midway between the equator and the pole--the school year is a race of dramatic transitions.

This week started cool and colorful and transitioned to warm rain and a wind that stripped maples and oaks of their foliage.

Suddenly, it seems, it is November. We're winding up the fall trimester, signing up for winter athletics, preparing final projects.

Advisee groups finalize winter term schedules.

It's time to look ahead, but--here--that's always the case.

Suddenly, the rain stops.

Out at the southern tip of Elbow Pond, a footbridge over the egress needs repair before winter ice sets in.

Woods Team to the rescue! Sam removes old planking while Connor, Greg and Niko disassemble a nasty snag hung up underneath.

The seasons are changing; a year flies by. Let winter come! At the sugar house, hardwood is stacked and ready for sap to rise in late February....