First, thanks to Stephen Harris '13, on completion of a highly successful Senior Project in which he posted six fine blogs on this site under the guise "Steve's Corner." The end of a school year feels like a sprint! This is the start of last week's 5K Wellness Race and Fitness Walk:

Senior Projects are truly the ultimate Proctor experience, through which kids depart (to different degrees depending on the project) from traditional studies to delve into passions under the guidance of adult mentors. Yesterday, they exhibited their accomplishments. Blake never dreamed of becoming a horseman when he came to Proctor four years ago, but he rode on a beach through Proctor In Costa Rica two years ago, pursued riding on this spring's Project Period, and now has developed and demonstrated innate skills. A nationally-known horse trainer notes he has a very special gift!

How many alumni trace their professional careers to this three-week exploration? One senior told me yesterday that her experience at Boston Children's Hospital's Transplant Program cemented her future plans, and another student's experience at the local monthly newspaper set her on a clearer path toward new-age journalism. All of this is just a reflection of our definition of education as real-world and personal. Last week, a team of student volunteers returned from service projects on Maine's Hurricane Island, a place with long history with Proctor.

Of course, the majority of us have been slogging through final exams.

Suddenly, exams are over; underclass persons have departed (for at least a full day) and seniors are languishing in the euphoria of anticipated Commencement. Today we enjoyed a fun afternoon at Proctor's exraordinary nature/recreational facility, Elbow Pond.

This frolic was catered by Dos Amigos, and the burritos were extremely popular!

These kids don't realize it, today, but five, ten, fifteen and twenty years from now, this is where they'll splash and play on class reunions. I'm certain that today's practice will make perfect!

If it looks like this in 2023, that would be fine!