Late November. Heavy frost coats brush deep in the Blackwater River valley.

Nearby, a local storm is driven by the roaring hiss of snow guns.

We're on Thanksgiving Break, and campus is eerily empty and quiet.

Air is still. It's a time to pause and consider all that we have for which we are grateful.

We should be grateful to be a part of a school that knows itself very well. The clarity of purpose here leads to two great benefits: we can craft and execute services and programs with purpose and confidence, and we are therefore
knowable to others. Being knowable enables the right people (appropriate students and teachers) to find us.

When you have a high incidence of appropriate people at a school that is clear about itself, you have a high incidence of student success.

A high incidence of student success yields gratitude. A lot of people are very grateful to Proctor. Many of them express their gratitude by making gifts to the that fund operations as well as capital projects like turf fields, locker rooms, and--hopefully--a sixteen student/two faculty family dormitory. Parents, past parents, alumni and friends of Proctor have given Proctor six million dollars over the past year. We should all be grateful for that.