The school begins with spontaneous rhythmic clapping in a whole-school assembly at which Mike welcomes one and all to a year that is ours to make great.

Following a set of introductions and announcements, we break into approximately 80 small advisee groups and scatter to initiate some key relationships. One of the advantages of the advisee group is that most are blended with old and new students.

Small groups--advisee groups, dormitories, teams and classes--serve a critical function at Proctor, because they mix students socially. Proctor is a relatively egalitarian community in which seniority means little. We rarely separate students by class. These are "old" students hanging out in the Wise:

It is interesting to see the confidence and comfort level that come with time here. While most new students quickly find peer groups that are mixed along several lines, returning students walk with a subtle swagger that only comes with time.

Imagine the challenge for shy new students as they negotiate the dining room at lunch, when most seats are already taken! It's worth considering that they need a friendly gesture...a welcome invitation to sit and join a table with relative strangers.

Monday's schedule called for a kind of on-campus orientation for new students, who gathered outside the dining room to be divided into three large groups.

These groups were led to different corners of the campus, to receive laptops, as well as introductions to health services, the library, athletics, etc.

Happily, the weather is glorious!

Here, they are finding their tour groups:

Earlier in the day, at the opening assembly, Dean of Students Anne Swayze set the tone for the year, declaring, "You are embarking on an incredible journey!" And so, the journey begins!