June (2014)
May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
George's Gift
Pick Yourself
February (2014)
December (2013)
Holiday Card
Good Causes
Frozen Assets
November (2013)
Sally B.
End Game
October (2013)
September (2013)
Self Study
Family Affairs
Hundreds of parents, grandparents and siblings are enjoying glorious autumn weather on Fall Family Weekend. 

After attending a couple of morning classes, we gather in the Wilkins Meeting House for our unique expression of community, assembly.

The remainder of the morning is turned over to so-called "afternoon activities," protecting time for parent/teacher conferences after lunch. Near the center of campus, the work of the woods team gets plenty of attention. 

They are splitting and sorting wood for a variety of future needs, including the sauna at Elbow Pond and the Sugar House. Jamie has some advice for Oliver:

The cut-off T-shirts are a self-defined team uniform. Parents observe from a safe distance!

Dave Pilla leads a group of parents on a woodlands walk, stopping frequently to explain aspects of our Land Use Plan, the ethics of forest management and specific decisions that involve students in sustainable practices.

At lunch, PAPA (Proctor Academy Parents' Association) serves up espresso and cookies in the function room, where parents can greet and meet.

In the evening, following dessert "socials" in each of the twenty dormitories, parents tour arts facilities, where working classes are underway. Everett Jones gives the Meehans a tour of the machine shop.

Parents observe a dance class through the solar windows that illuminate that studio during the day.

In the stone chapel, Kristofer Johnson directs the chorus with his usual passion and zeal.

Campus maples are in full color.
It's a nice day to take lunch outside.
The mountain biking team gets ready.
Woodsmen pose.
Everett discusses equipment in the machine shop.
In the recording studio, C.J. grooves with the jazz/rock ensemble.
The horn section.
Madi and dad play dueling cameras with me.