Only a week ago, I wrote a page celebrating winter in northern New England. I take it all back. Today, we're faced with cold rain and melting, dirty snow. So let's sort through some recent photos. With his brother, Michael '04 and sister, Sara '05 on break from college, Dave's '09 family came up from Virginia and caught this image of him racing at Holderness on Wednesday:
The funniest moment in recent memory came when Orlando--a young man of many talents--revealed an ability to impersonate Pete Southworth in front of the whole school. It was the subtle hand gestures that brought down the house.
Thursday night's faculty meeting included discussion of Project Period, and the degree to which we weave community service in to projects. This led to a general discussion of community service (which is ultimately optional under our current structure.) Here, friends of Zach pose for a yearbook photo:
Some feel that we should require a specific number of service hours for students to graduate. This raises adjacent issues regarding time, oversight and the value of volunteerism vs. compulsory service.
Transportation might be an issue, too. There's a lot to consider, and the topic will continue to demand our attention. Speaking of community, here we are filing toward the Wise Community Center after assembly.
Student leaders attend faculty meetings, too. Last night, they proposed a change in winter study hall hours--from 7:30-9:30 to 8:00-10:00. Proposals such as this deserve some time for consideration, so the proposal will come for a vote at the next meeting.
George Emeny, pictured below with algebra 1 students, wonders if any alumni can recall the origins of Proctor's Honor Code. He's certain it evolved in the late '40s, and remembers a painting in Cary House of the student credited with initiating it.
If any alumni have information on this, use the comment feature or email me.
After study hall, Eco-dorm is always a happening place. Does any dorm have more fun than this crowd?