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Portrait of Thursday

Today's page provides a look at Thursday. Eighth grader Sophie Viandier taught French country dance steps to her dad's French 2 class while Eric played bagpipes.

Representing the sophomore class, Rosie and Danny addressed the full faculty Thursday evening in the chapel. They are asking for the return of specific privileges for 10th graders on Head's List (high honor roll). By policy, their motion will be discussed again, and voted on, at the next faculty meeting.

With one week of classes remaining before final exams, the library has become a busy destination for students during study hall hours.

At the start of the term, 10 or 12 students might study here; today, the number in the library approaches 40.

Finding a study carrell means arriving before 8:00 PM.

Others find seats at tables. Talking is not allowed!

The main event on campus this weekend is the Holderness football game, which kicks off on Leonard Field at 1:00 Sunday afternoon. Until recently, this great rivalry struggled, but under coach Chuck Reid, the Hornets built a competitive team last year, and school spirit is high on campus today! We have heard from alumni--including several from the Class of 1963--who are traveling considerable distance to cheer on the home team. Join the fun, as Proctor football goes for an undefeated season!

Tommy, who will be playing quarterback Sunday, studies in the library.
Hunter's psyched.
As is James.