At this moment--midway through final exams--it's tempting to write a column filled with metaphoric allusions to race cars, high-octane gas, operating in overdrive, etc. I'll avoid this. With all of the artistic accomplishment witnessed at the end of term, let's wax about performance in its pure the chorus keeping a doo-wop thing going for "In the Still of the Night."

Isn't it all really the same thing? End-of-term academic projects and exams are simply
measured assessments of performance, while student work in art, drama, jazz band, dance and chorus are valued aesthetically. A section of chorus between songs:
These are moments when--hopefully--students put it all together and are recognized for 10 weeks of work and accomplishment.
As Steve said in last week's Parent Page: "The phrase: 'there's a lot going on here' is an understatement!"