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Senior Dinner

Perhaps it's appropriate that this spring's Senior Dinner and Commencement exercises were forced into the cage due to rain. Approximately 1,000 friends and relatives of the Class of 2006 enjoyed a banquet before the show.

At seven, Mike Henriques took the podium, recalling Admission Director Chris Bartlett's observation that Proctor is a school that elevates character over achievement test scores in selecting our ideal population. Mike went on to cite several moments in his first year as Head of School that illuminated student character.

It is not possible to feature all of the awards and presentations made Friday evening, but I will post the better images. Jake Waters, who played football, lacrosse and was a powerhouse on a small wrestling team, received an athletic award from Kathy Noble.

Occasionally, a student has such an immense impact on the community that we are changed. Robert M. Downey '98, our first great "technoid" (local jargon for computer wizard,) was such a student; (he taught training classes to teachers!) Brenda Godwin presented the Robert M. Downey Award for Excellence in Graphics, Animation and Video to Hunter Congleton and James Terrill (pictured, below.)

The evening featured plenty of talent, with musical numbers by the octet....

....and the rock band Leshanski.

Our next will feature images from Commencement.

Molly Lipovsky and Tom Morgan presented the Mountain Classroom Award to Alex Stein...
...who also received the English Award from Sarah Will.
Kathy Noble presented an athletic award to Jerome Dyson.
Decades ago, admission tours were guided by the few members of Green Key. Today, this great community service employs dozens of kids who sacrifice precious time. Green Key Awards went to Scott Robator and Evan Cross (pictured.)
It might seem odd that a school would present awards to "polar swimmers," but Alan McIntyre pointed out the passion and love of the outdoors demonstrated by these stalwarts. Eben Alexander...
...and Vanessa Emery.
Sometimes a student's passion changes the community. As a 10th grader, Keira Driscoll won the Hays Speaking Prize by arguing that participation in dance should earn a team credit. Here, she wins the dance award.
Our School Leaders stand together one last time to introduce the Senior Slideshow. Erin Davey and Nick Pruett.