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Good Causes
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Sally B.
End Game
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Self Study
Postdiluvial Reflection

The sun rose across campus Wednesday morning.

Math classes are being held in makeshift class spaces, including the Admission Office conference room, and (most) games are on for this afternoon. It feels good to be outside.

The weekend seems suddenly distant, but memories of the spontaneous volunteerism are fresh. Those who threw themselves into the first flood management efforts Saturday night witnessed the power of service, as members of nineteen area fire departments reported to Proctor.

Eleven fire trucks pumped up to 8,000 gallons per minute out of Proctor Pond, as additional sandbags arrived from Concord.

Many of the Maintenance staff spent the whole night working, and Art Makechnie served sandwiches and coffee to rotating crews until 8 AM.

The sun feels great today. Also feeling good: the gratitude a lot of people feel toward a lot of other people!


A newly-arrived Baltimore Oriole is singing up a storm on North Street.
Nick finds a warm seat against Shirley Hall.
It just feels good to be outside.
Kurt Meier demonstrates the heat from a steamline soaked with runoff.