June (2014)
May (2014)
April (2014)
March (2014)
George's Gift
Pick Yourself
February (2014)
December (2013)
Holiday Card
Good Causes
Frozen Assets
November (2013)
Sally B.
End Game
October (2013)
September (2013)
Self Study

April 4 and 6 are revisit days for newly admitted students. Here's what will happen. First, at breakfast, we introduce them to current students, who take them off to classes.

Visitors gain an appreciation for the many modes of transportation on campus.

Class begins. This is a ninth grade English section.

Meanwhile, parents attend a special panel Q & A session. The panel is comprised of administrators and current parents. Some questions focus on the most sensitive matters of teen culture: alcohol, drugs, sex. The panel's responses are straightforward and honest. Comments and observations from current parents are powerful!

At lunch, visitors sit with new friends.

After lunch, an activity fair enables visitors to interview students and teachers involved in specific programs (Mountain Classroom, Ocean Classroom, programs abroad) and teams. Varsity girls soccer players are present to support coach Karl Methven.

Following the activities fair, most visitors depart, knowing Proctor about as well as we can hope. Some hang around to check out a lacrosse game.

On Friday, we'll do it again!


In assembly, Admission Director Chris Bartlett clarifies the day's schedule for revisitors.
Visitors to the boatshop see Amanda planing wood for her project.
A visiting parent admires student artwork.
Teacher, coach, Assistant Dean of Students and current parent Peter Southworth can field questions from a variety of perspectives.
At lunch, tea for two.
Students who spent the fall term on Ocean Classroom are prepared to discuss the program during the afternoon activities fair.
Lacrosse players celebrate a goal.
By the time they leave, some visitors indicate their future intentions.