Caught up, as we are, with the complexities of life in a community of three hundred and forty students...
eighty-two teachers, and approximately one hundred additional staff, it is easy to forget that Proctor is a 501(c)3.... a not-for-profit corporation with financial realities that are the responsibilities of a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees. This was a Trustee Weekend, and it was the last for Jay Goulart as Director of Development. Over ten years, Jay has applied common sense, organization management theory and a healthy dose of distrust for "tried and true" methods to lead a highly successful fundraising program. Below, Jay talks Trustees through capital giving trends over the past decade:
Rejecting traditional participation-based programs, we have marshalled our resources to steward gifts in a manner that promotes repeated giving. Below, Jay speaks to trends in alumni support over ten years:
Jay is leaving soon to assume the position of Assistant Head at a school in Connecticut. Saturday provided trustees an opportunity to consider the product of his iconoclastic approaches to philanthropy, and to express thanks.
While he created a unique, fun work environment here, Jay didn't raise thirty-six million dollars alone. His team is still "jacked," and now will be led by Keith Barrett '80. Below, Keith leads trustees through this year's Annual Fund trends (red line on the chart).