It is another cool, damp day here in the Blackwater River Valley, and the forecast calls for lots of unwanted rain.
Let's reflect on the weekend just past. Here are ninth and tenth graders in the lobby outside of the dance in the Community Center:
And here's the scene just a few feet away, on the dance floor:
We just received this image of our gang in Costa Rica whitewater rafting on a recent excursion:
If I were looking at boarding schools, one of the things that would attract me to Proctor is the trust the school places in students to use extensive woodlands wisely and responsibly. The fact that we allow small groups to camp overnight at selected spots, including the Cabin, says a lot. Three boys took advantage of the opportunity this weekend.
Science teacher Ian Hamlet's mom lives in Kansas. It's his day to run assembly, and it's her birthday. So he called her on the cell (in front of 380 people) and we sang her a song....