May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Hold that pose!

The paparazzi have to work hard for newsworthy photographs...speeding around on motorcycles, etc. My job is much easier; important images reveal themselves wherever I wander in these fair precincts. These lads decided to picnic al fresco yesterday just about the time the snow turned to freezing rain.

The girls living in The Annex announced this morning in assembly that they were "hot." Any confusion as to what they meant was dispelled quickly:

Here we see Nate and Jen making snowballs while modeling new Proctor shirts and Chuck's Corner caps in a photo inspired by L.L. Bean or Lands End:

Don't forget to shop at the e-store found back at your alumni homepage.

The local paper incited general panic by reporting that finches and junkoes were missing from backyard feeders. Not anymore. Were they waiting for snow? The results of the election?