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Greetings to (and from) Chicago!

Jay, Keith, Kate and Greg are out in Chicago at this very moment, speaking at a CASE Conference. To demonstrate how real-time and superior this website is, they are e-mailing me images from the session, and I'm putting them up for immediate viewing. Warning: these images may not be interesting to anyone outside of Chicago. Thank you for putting up with this shameless, self-serving stunt.

Below is the first transmission. What, is Jay nuts?! Show us something interesting, big guy!

Now we learn that that's all we're getting from Illinois... Meanwhile, the weather here is changing dramatically, with snowsqualls, rainbows, and gusts up to 50 mph. Temps are forecast to drop 20 degrees this afternoon.

Where do you suppose the pot of gold is in this pic?

We have snow and ice in New Hampshire, too, Jay.