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Egalitarian Sports

Riding around with a bunch of admission directors a few years ago, I fell back into my role of entertaining them with Proctoresque perspectives that they found thought-provoking, challenging, ludicrous and absurd. I recall arguing (very convincingly, I thought) that every athletic contest has equal significance; there's nothing inherently more important about boys' varsity ice hockey than--say--third soccer or JV girls' lacrosse. This kind of comment--easy for me, who was coaching 3rd soccer while my peers were recruiting varsity jocks--prompted nervous silence and facial tics. Two things happened yesterday that cause me to believe that we do have an egalitarian standard with athletics. First, representatives of JV and 3rds lacrosse stood in front of the whole community and conveyed genuine pride in their teams' accomplishments. Then Language Dept Chair Janet Linn expressed great satisfaction with the work ethic of 3rds tennis. Below, she convenes her team behind varsity coach Ted Mastin:

Deb warms up with some hoola-hoops:

Do players on any team work and concentrate harder than cyclists? Or the kayakers who set off on the Blackwater?

Neither Ced nor Joe is Proctor's most gifted athlete. They spoke with pride about JV and 3rds lax yesterday.
Anthony and Max playing tennis in an "I Formation."
John celebrates a successful shot with a few licks on an imaginery guitar.