Games We Play.
The role of sports at Proctor, and what we are trying to accomplish through athletics deserve on-going consideration. With the exception of Cross-country, our varsities did not win an awful lot of games this fall. Yesterday though, V. Field Hockey won 3-0 Saturday over New Hampton, demonstrating huge improvement over eight weeks. Over on Carr Field, boys' V. Soccer exhibited positive attitude and pride while losing 2-0 to NHS. This team had all the right purposes...not just on games days, but every afternoon. Congrats to Captains Austin Brown and Justin Donaldson for keeping it all in focus.
Marcos Lopez is grossed out by Jonathon Stoddard's nasty scalp wound, which was incurred when a water pitcher came down a little hard. The perpetrator, not a member of the community, was struggling with anger at the time.
Scroll down only if interested in gore and suture staples.