Hello everyone; Stephen Harris here for the last time! Enjoy! Senior Project has been amazing. I recommend that everyone do one. It gives students a new perspective on everything right before the year comes to an end and seniors graduate.
As the school year comes to an abrupt end, students get excited for the summer and try their best to do as well as they can on final exams. Eighth graders, Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors will all be taking a step over the summer into their next grade a year older and a year maturer.
It is an even bigger step for seniors who will be graduating on Saturday. After that, it's off to college, to start to live in the real world and the true beginning of becoming an adult. With over a hundred seniors in the school out of three hundred and fifty-five, Proctor will be losing a large part of the community. Many teachers have expressed that "the class of 2013 is a great group of students". With them graduating this year, the school will be changing. As with every year, when the seniors are gone they will be replaced. People will step up to fill the gap.

Both faculty and students are counting down the days till summer together. At this point everyone is down to their final exams. With the last one on Thursday morning, the days are down to three. Even though everyone is excited, some are also sad. Some are sad because they are not going to be coming back next year and they know that their Proctor Experience is almost over. Once seniors realize that they are never going to get to experience high school again, that is when it really hits home. From then on, it will always be a memory in the past.
This is the end to a fantastic school year for everyone; the end to my senior project, and the end to each senior's high school career. In order to play hard, we all must first work hard. Have fun, enjoying the weather, and prepare yourselves for the end of a outstanding academic year and the best summer ever.