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Mixed Tapes
Twelve years ago, as Terry Stoecker and Michael Littman huddled with architects conceiving the Steve and Sarah Wilkins Meeting House, they called for a "black box" theater to complement the main stage in the Norris Family Theater. Popular with collegiate theater programs and drama schools, black boxes are flexible, small spaces that welcome experiment, improvisation and creativity. Proctor's black box is the ideal venue for "Mixed Tapes and Self-reliance," which plays Friday and Saturday evening at 7:00.

Here's the kicker: the show is written and directed by senior Haley Peters, whose penchant for brilliant experimental theater helped earned her admission to Bard College. The show is like no other, featuring three distinct sets of relationships for Simon, a teenage boy grieving the death of his brother (the victim of a drunk driver.) Simon is played by Haley's younger brother, Tucker '14. Simon is enrolled in a literature class taught by a caring-yet-demanding professor (Derric) and attended by an attractive potential girlfriend, played by Grace-Marie.


hen there is Simon's life-long friend Carl (played by Walker,) who has the strength and insight to challenge Simon on his emotional stagnation during daily, after-school meetings.

he third relationship we explore is between Simon and his Mother (Janelle) who is also grieving. She drives him home from school, or he drives her (crazy!) while they grapple with emotional impasse.


he set is minimalist. The actors explore their roles with conviction. But it is the maturity of Haley's writing....the depth of human insight captured by thoroughly believable dialogue....that makes the show work. The music of Nirvana, a cassette of mixed tunes made by Simon's deceased brother, Ethan and a writing assignment that demands introspection work together to a climactic resolution. 

This is a coming-of-age story for Simon, but Terry Stoecker observes that the process of creating this show has been a coming-of-age experience for the students involved! If you've lost count, Mixed Tapes and Self-reliance is the third student-directed production we've enjoyed this winter alone! This reflects the passion (and resultant momentum) that distinguishes Winter Drama, and Proctor theater.

Mixed Tapes and Self-reliance is an experiment that works. It plays Friday and Saturday at 7:00 PM in the black box. Contact Haley Peters for seating!
Simon, an endearing boy grappling with the senseless death of an older brother.
A friendship so strong that Carl confronts Simon's emotional block.
A caring professor and a potential girlfriend struggle to understand Simon's plight.
A harmonica and a blank music notation book provide Simon opportunities to take charge.....
Brilliant writing! Congratulations to Haley, the cast and crew!