May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Behind the scenes

Snow is blowing horizontally across campus. This is a "closed" weekend, meaning that all boarders are here. But where are they? Perhaps, as any admission brochure suggests, they're busy catching up on that last bit of homework. Let's find out. What's this? In Gulick they're watching a movie they think is called "The Tipper."

In Ives Commons, Jose gets his hair braided while enjoying Austin Powers.

Up on the third floor of Carr House, Dylan enjoys a DVD from the comfort of his blanketed bean bag:

I wasn't deterred by the sign on Morton's front door....
and it's a good thing. I found George and Bobby playing a violent video game.
...with Greg.
Same activity in MLS.
...and in Carr.
I don't remember which dorm this was.
Wyatt--having a terrible day--fixed some Ramen without taking his eye off a movie in Rulon-Miller.