Language immersion programs in Spain and France have distinguished Proctor's curriculum for thirty-six years. A ten-week trimester in Segovia or Pont l'Abbé yields a full year's language credit, as well as social science, literature and skills credits. Historically, these programs have a prerequisite of at least one year's credit in the native language, but this winter, Proctor in France is welcoming juniors and seniors new to French language. Thus, students in line for graduation with at least two years of Spanish credit can plunge into the language and culture of France.
Our Program is located on the Atlantic coast, in the culturally rich western tip of Brittany.

Located on a heavily tidal Atlantic estuary, the town of Pont l'Abbé--like most of Brittany--resisted integration and homogenization throughout its history, and retains distinct customs, dance, art and cuisine.

The local French dialect retains elements of Breton language imported more than a thousand years ago by people fleeing advancing Anglo-Saxons in Cornwall and western Britain. It is precisely because of this cultural independence that Eric and Stacey Viandier located Proctor in France in this stunningly beautiful outpost.

Centuries of invaders have been frustrated (as has been the French government) trying to subjugate the region. Brittany is networked-- like a tightly woven quilt--with ancient, rustic lanes bordered by prehistoric walls now overgrown with ivy and holly. Local farmers and artisans knew how to navigate terrain that baffled occupiers including the Nazis.

It is in this colorful region that Proctor students live with local families while studying language and culture from our teachers at a local high school.

Proctor students mingle with French "brothers and sisters" in the school's union, known as "The Fishbowl."

Just as significant as language and history classes are opportunities to navigate the streets of Pont l'Abbé, shopping in farmers' markets, ordering at cafés and experiencing life in rural France.

Weekly excursions take students to neighboring cities and historic sites, and a two-week "Train Classroom" trip to Paris, the
Dordogne and Normandy complete an unforgettable term abroad.

Students interested in participating in Proctor in France this winter should contact Brooks Bicknell!