Project Period began in 1972 as the school began carving out its niche as the leader in experiential education. The program has changed a great deal over the years, but has always featured small groups focusing on specific passions. It's an opportunity for teachers to invite students into areas of personal expertise. I can document on-campus projects now; many more images will come to me in the days ahead. Three local projects pursue cuisine arts. Kristofer Johnson's team is preparing gourmet meals at his home across the street from the school. The project's understated name is Kitchen Skills.

Same place; next day. William--looking great in pink and black--helps Alex "eye candy" Richichi turn some potato pancakes.

At Ives House, an Iron Pastry Chef project rolls croissant dough that has risen slowly over night:

A mile south of campus, on the elevated shores of Bradley Lake, the "Bluewater Culinary Institute" is preparing single restaurant-quality meals each day for visiting project groups. Bluewater Lodge provides an ideal venue, with a full summer-camp kitchen and an open dining area. Monday evening's menu was Italiano, featuring lasagna, pasta carbonara and spaghetti with seasoned meatballs, followed by tiramasu. Here, back in the kitchen, we're serving up minestrone and preparing bacon for the carbonara.

Bread to the oven!

Looking ahead to Wednesday's brunch, Alice and Klare prep blueberries.

Diners were uniformly delighted by both the fare and cheerful service! Seven dollar donations go to Haitian relief and the Andover Food Bank.

Not all local projects involve food. An enduring tradition is the quilt-making project that dominates math department classrooms, attracting a mix of students including male athletes. Real men make quilts.

Mural Madness has kids highly focused!