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Expectations Dashed

The key to a good story is that expectations are dashed. This page--recycled from Fall Family Weekend--illuminates this point.

Life is full of surprises. Parents have traveled good distances to sample their children's everyday classroom experiences: small classes...close student/teacher interaction...etc. What they are--in fact--experiencing are classes with two hundred other adults crowded in.

To handle the throng, some teachers deviate from normal routines to play quiz games and Jeopardy:

Normally, on his birthday, Jesse (left, with rabbit ears) would expect overt expressions of affection. But not today, on his 18th. Maybe that's because of the announcement in assembly about his having Mono.

This is what we expect to see...
...students hard at work...
...benefitting from that 4-to-1 student-teacher ratio...
...opting to spend free time in the library...
...getting ahead on assignments with the help of a tutor, perhaps.
Here's the reality today.
Kristine and Rob at the whiteboard in front of a dozen parents.
And anyone expecting to see campus maples ablaze in their autumnal glory might as well head north. They're weeks behind.