May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Over the next 24 hours, parents, relatives and friends of Proctor students will descend upon us like the maple leaves that are blowing about North Street.
They will immerse themselves in the lives of their children, experiencing Proctor as few other visitors can. Some will hear students recite their own poetry.

They will know something that I struggle to convey in words, (although I am charged with this task, as part of a re-write of the Admission site), the continuum of experiential modes of learning at Proctor. I wonder....did we embrace the concept of Mountain Cassroom, Proctor in Spain and France, Ocean Classroom, etc. because we already favored high-impact learning, or do we teach the way we do (in classrooms) because of the success of the off-campus programs? In Spanish, students are inventing--and playing--language-based board games.

Annie and Gardner roll the dice!

The industrial arts building is busier than ever. On the east side, Dave Fleming is teaching new electives in Industrial Design and--here--Kinetic Metal Sculpture. 

In the iron forge, Andrew heats a piece of steel with an acetylene torch....

....and--on the anvil--hammers it into a leaf for a complex sculpture that suggests both a soccer ball and the Earth.

Parents will attend games on Saturday, before taking their kids off campus for 72 hours. These boys just played the New Hampton Huskies to a 0-0 draw.


What you need to appreciate is that Cody is hurtling AWAY from us in this 360-degree stunt:


All photos on Chuck's Corner are available through Proctor Academy's FlickR account.
It may be the center of campus, but Proctor Pond provides a place for quiet reflection.
Getting a lift.
The arts provide a link between traditional and novel learning.
Ryan cuts steel in Kinetic Metal Sculpture.
In wood shop, Patrick is crafting an elegant Shaker end table.
In Spanish 2, Satchel is resorting to rock/paper/scizzors to resolve a boardgame dispute.
Annie and Gardner have this game mastered!
Sam displays a plastic cast of his hand that will become a part of an exotic lamp.
Fruit chews!
Ian hydrates after a tough soccer game.