May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)

Educational consultants love Proctor because it's so knowable... a quality that furthers lots of great matches between applicants and school. One of the premier ed. cons. once added to his roster of adjectives describing Proctor "iconoclastic" (attacking established beliefs or institutions), which intrigued me. Here, traditional goals and methods are held not in disdain, but with skepticism bordering on irreverence. This is a community of powerful centrifugal forces, with decentralized stuff happening all over the periphery of the model. For example, each of the 20 dorms sets its own specific codes... individualized, detailed responses to....lateness, room cleanliness, etc. On Saturday evening, MLS held its "first annual" toga party on the porch, with chips and sodas in profusion.

When I was a student, we protested for more rights, more freedoms. Today, signs generated by a student cabal declare cell phone-free zones across campus. I may work outside of the box, but in the safety of my office, I am in violation of no student-generated codes of which I am aware.

World Language teachers in Room 2 have declared that space free of specific exposed body parts. The penalty is specified: one must wear a black robe in class. It's irresistable for teenagers to defy such draconian measures (at least when a camera is evident.)

Modes of student transportation are frequent subjects here. The system pictured below is powered not by pedals, but by Henry's foot (he's the one with the broken arm)....spinning down on the front tire.

Ben helps Erin fashion her toga Saturday night.
The crowd of pedestrians on North Street Saturday night--many sporting togas--was poorly received by Andover Police.
The student underground demands curtailment of the people's freedoms!
This is a clear violation of student-generated codes. Note distinctive lump on forehead.
The dress code in Room 2 is clearer than elsewhere.
So that our response to violations such as this is executed with dispatch.
Or this.
We have no coat & tie dresscode, so-- go figure.
Snow shavings from the rink were delivered to Proctor Day Care for an afternoon of sledding. Will Ames demonstrates for the tykes.
Unfettered joy, despite mosquitoes.