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What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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February (2013)

Maintenance honcho Jim Dooley paid a visit to Everett's machine shop this morning while I was passing through.

Being a Harley-Davidson freak, Dooley is always easy to shop for. Here he was probably machining some part for his bike. I didn't find out, fearful he was about to run my camera through some lathe. Everett Jones, left, graduated from Proctor in '57 and is a trustee.

Would you ever guess that Jane Barban hates having her picture taken? Jane, who worked in Learning Skills when I was young, is back helping in the English department. Her twins, Andrew and Rebecca, are Proctor juniors.

While Brenda captured a photo of four-year seniors in front of Gannett, I got this nifty image of them from behind....
Up until today, I confess, the term "Franco-American" made me think of canned spaghetti. There's much more: today, Michael Parent entertained assembly and two French classes with Franco-American music, performance art, and humor.