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Weekend musings.

We were stunned to read that the local Elks Club has been busted for operating an illegal gambling operation out of its basement. What a surprise. What, are those guys NUTS?! They got what they deserve: a $60,000 fine. To the right you see freshman Charlie Cloutier. He won twenty bucks in this week’s football pool, which I find kind of irritating, given that he’s 14 and I’ve retired from the pool a complete loser in an effort to save my marriage.

Patty Pond always pulls off extravagant assemblies. Yesterday, before we feted Gerri, the faculty put together an outrageous take-off of the Olympics. Three events were held: the foam boomerang throw, the piggy-back race, and ballroom dancing. Here is an image of dancers Laurie Zimmerman and Dougo Houston after they doffed their formal togs and began to boogie down--a move that cost them dearly with critical judges.

Chris Bartlett and Nelson Lebo appeared to win the piggy-back race, but were disqualified when nurse Lorraine Roberts took them out for urine samples that tested positive for Jolt soda.

Wanna make a bet?
The Hornet has reappeared with a vengeance this fall. Here is Matt Swan as the bee.
Baxter gets my vote for school mascot (I loathe hornets.) This butch feline casts a long shadow on this campus.