May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Gerri's Last Call.

Gerri Giampaolo came to Proctor in 1975 as a member of Housekeeping. Then Mrs. G. ran the bookstore after Jane Belanger retired. Quickly thereafter, Gerri became Proctor’s main receptionist and telephone operator….and assumed all of the quirky responsibilities that go with such a job at this place. She controlled weekend cards (and, therefore, weekend permission) made order out of hundreds of weekly Notices To the Advisor, and served as a calming influence to telephone callers, stragglers off the street, and Bert Carvalho. Gerri is leaving us now. She and Joe are selling their home and moving to a condo in Florida. Lida Beaudoin and Nance Barrett conspired to arrange a going away buffet at the Four Corners Grill in New London Wednesday.

Nance Barrett, Gerri and Bert at Wednesday's celebration.It was wonderful. We laughed and cried with Gerri, and sang her happy birthday.

This morning's assembly was a riot, and will take more than one of these pages to convey. It culminated with Bert and Steve honoring Gerri with a joke Weekend Permission Card that allows her to go to Florida, the presentation of a beautiful Proctor clock, and cake for 350 people. Students gave Gerri thunderous standing ovations, and we all had a fine time.

Gerri's last Call. Good-bye Mrs. G!

Gerri (right) during Wednesday's buffet lunch at the Four Corners Grill.