May (2014)
What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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February (2013)
Matters of Location
The February trustee weekend is critical to the formulation of the budget for the next school year. Several key factors--truly moving targets (like prospects for full enrollment, income off of a reduced endowment, etc.)--need to be assessed as trustees pursue their job of overseeing the fiscal well-being of the school. This past weekend, trustees acted with confidence--based on admission activity, annual fund strength, etc. Here's Mike delivering his Head's report:

The fact that we're budgeting for full enrollment (350 students,) increased professional compensation, no lay-offs, etc. reflects momentum that's been building for a long time. The scope of the curriculum is an obvious contributor. Dave Pilla took trustees to our logging operation near Hopkins Pond. The loggers, Jack and Jake Bronnenberg, have carved out an interesting niche: they only work on environmentally ethical cuts, where the goal is sustainable sylviculture and the maintenance of healthy wildlife habitat.

Dave's wildlife science class just visited Bog Pond, where we are helping the Town of Andover with a census of local species. 

Students break up to work in pairs, studying tracks, evidence of browsing and nesting. Josh and Oliver found a magnificent snag (a dying or dead tree) that provides great habitat and food source for many species.

The same pair came upon the "direct register" tracks of a red fox that passed prior to a recent dusting of snow.
This is a wildlife--not forestry--class, but Dave teaches the identifying characteristics of balsam fir that thrives in this moist soil. 

We frequently say, "Proctor is a college prep school located in Andover, New Hampshire," but it would be more accurate to say, "...based in Andover...." because we have so many programs operating simultaneously around the globe. The Costa Rica program has been busy with hands-on field studies, including this spelunking adventure. 

When we think of shooting rapids, Mountain Classroom comes to mind, but this image is from Proctor in Costa Rica:

In fact, Mountain Classroom is currently completing academic projects at California's Mission Creek Preserve. Back in Costa Rica, students experience la pura vida.
A visit to the beaches near Tamarindo, Guanacaste sounds pretty good right now!

Johnny elected to go without snowshoes on this wildlife science field lab.
Fifty minutes later, he was still slogging through deep powder.
A thin dusting of snow proves that this red fox passed between 15 and 20 hours ago.
A footbridge leads into a jungle canopy in Costa Rica.
Elliot soars through foliage on a zip line.
Descending into a Costa Rican cave.
At Proctor in Marrakech, Annie (right) sits with her Moroccan "sister."
Tyler's "father" accompanies him to an ocean-front fortress.
Tyler and Annie overlooking the ocean.
Dancing at a Moroccan feast.