May (2014)
What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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Dry land training.

Everyone is anxious for snow and ice to grip central New England. The hockey rink's refrigeration is busted, so we're skating at neighboring ice palaces until we can make natural ice. (Stay tuned next week for exciting news on the future of the rink.) Of course basketball court space is also limited, so several teams are having afternoon study halls in the library so they can have evening practices. Here's a typically studious scene:

Skiers spend these afternoons jogging and doing "dry land training." In the ski room (east end of the Fire Shed) Tim Norris conducts a ski jumping exercise using bungy cord:

Speaking of ski jumpers, here is a curious photo from this morning's assembly of a ski jumper in full regalia prancing around while Jed delivers a deadpan announcement about how much he likes football and basketball.

Believe it or not, this was actually part of a skit which parodied the fall term's most memorable announcements.

Mike found a comfy corner of the library to dream about hockey during afternoon study hall.