May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Changing Seasons
You don't need a calendar to know that the start of the school year is close. Just as daffodils and forsythia indicate early May, followed by lilacs and apple blossoms, so the color of swamp maples guarantees that we're in the last week of August.

A week before new students arrive to launch new lives at a new school, faculty are coming together to share stories from summer adventures, and get down to meetings.

Our agenda includes new faculty introductions, minor policy changes, lots of Orientation details, and the exciting prospect of adopting an Environmental Mission Statement that may frame and inspire our practices forever! Readers of this site will learn much more about this initiative over the months to come. Below, Environmental Education Coordinator Alan McIntyre guides faculty discussion of this topic.

One of many causes for excitement as we anticipate the school year is high quality student leadership, starting with these guys: School Leader Duncan Sullivan and Assistant Danny Loehr.

Afternoons are dedicated to department meetings and our own, internal community service. This is the fine arts department.

Teachers have been publicly referred to as "math geeks," and they are taking it in stride, with Proctor green zip drives all around!

Clear and cold most of the year, Proctor Pond is now choked with lilies and frogs.
Mike Henriques confers with School Leaders Duncan Sullivan and State Congressional candidate Danny Loehr.
Mike introduces faculty community service opportunities Wednesday afternoon.
Community service: Danny sorts through a compost heap in the organic garden.
Duncan weeds a broccoli bed in the organic garden.