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FFW '07

The crowd of parents, grandparents and siblings that swarm campus this weekend is second only to the number attending commencements. Fall Family Weekend--unlike graduation--features classes, assemblies, sports practices and games, arts performances and a series of meals with the whole school in action.

Parents joined in classes on Friday morning.

They witnessed everyday life....with lots of other parents.

At 10:15 the Norris Family Theater was over-crowded, as 410 seats failed to accomodate the throng.

The afternoon (and Saturday morning) featured scheduled parent-teacher conferences; the whole weekend offered opportunities for informal interactions.

Activities--including team practices--usually held in late afternoon, were scheduled for late morning.

A woodlands hike and tour of the Mountain Classroom facility at Elbow Pond were optional. With little time to travel to area rivers, the kayakers played a kind of football on Proctor Pond.

The intensity of Fall Family Weekend is followed by a couple of days off, as parents take students home--or tour New England--until Tuesday night.

Parent volunteers--who make it all possible--deliver balloons Friday morning.
The library has been a busy place, as parents--looking for a quiet place to read--mingle with students studying.
The PAPA hospitality cart, from the perspective of the Maxwell Savage portico window.
Assembly featured the usual mix of serious business, fun and chaos. These boys are announcing the start of the Toys 4 Tots drive.
Tom Eslick entertained.
Molly works on a lid which features a worm handle.
Give to the Arts Fund, so Eliza can make a real pot with clay!