Recent all-school assemblies have demonstrated the skills and talents of the commmunity's females. In a recent game of chicken-dance musical chairs, girls proved to be physically and emotionally tough, and highly competitive. Below, JV girls soccer is feeling confident:
In Monday's assembly, three males--including the Head of School--stepped forward to challenge Eliza to a timed Rubik's Cube contest. It was not even close. Eliza unscrambled the puzzle in one minute and thirty-seven seconds. She doesn't even have to look!
Come to think of it, I have this image of Eliza with a cube from mid-September. Hmmmm.
Serena, Jojo and Molly are studying photography.
Kelsey, Irene and Olivia are cheering on their favorite soccer goalie.
Here's Grace trying to concentrate in Learning Lab:
We do not have enough seats in the dining room for the entire school to sit at the same moment, so dining is always buffet-style. Look what happens!
Kiersten climbs high.