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Best of... #8
While Chuck is away on vacation, we're bringing back the most popular Chuck's Corners. This one, subtitled "Photostudy of Rockpiles," takes us up Ragged Mountain.

I set off with friends yesterday to hike the network of trails that link the main campus with The Cabin and the granite outcrop on the east side of Ragged known as The Bulkhead. The first Cabin was constructed by Proctor boys under the direction of legendary teacher Roland Burbank between 1935 and 1937. Neglected in the early '70s, it was replaced by this fine structure about ten years ago.

Any chance that my camera would capture redtail hawk (which we saw) or moose was lost once I became distracted by the charm of the many cairns that assure the disoriented that they are--in fact--on a trail. These enigmatic sentinels stand like runic markers heaped up by unknown hands (probably Dave Pilla's or Derek Mansell's).

They tells us little. There's no "This Way" or "For a good view go left." With stunning simplicity, they suggest "You're on to something here...."

Some cairns are elegant in their simplicity.
Some are built of improbable stones.
This one's at the juncture of trails coming from Mud Pond and The Cabin heading to The Bulkhead.
This amusing little item is found near the rock fall below The Bulkhead.
Sarah considering her cairn maintenance.
Eventually, I ran out of disk space.