Spring term always accelerates as weather improves. This year, that process is late starting, yet the calendar indicates that final exams are only four weeks away. In the dining room, friends of Eco-dorm have lunch together.
As suggested in the previous page, community service projects expose those who are natural leaders. While some students associate work with pain or punishment, others willingly throw themselves into tasks. On Saturday morning, after classes, different advisee groups collect sorted aluminum, plastics and paper from dormitories and classroom buildings.
Students in Wildlife Science are devising management plans for specific parcels of Proctor property which they pretend to own. With Dave Pilla's counsel, they determine the ideal use for the land. Here, on a fairly uniform, softwood lot, a small clear-cut would create the kind of "edge environment" that would attract birds and other desired wildlife species.
It's the twins' birthday, and the sun is out!
Abandoned for months, the swing is back in business.