May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
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April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)
Let's meet Alex!

When she was a student at Proctor, current Alumni Association Grand Wizard Alex Estin '83 had my wife as her advisor. They worked well together. So it's no surprise that she felt drawn back here years later, and became an extension of our family. Alex's many roles at Proctor include Assistant Manager of the bookstore. Here she is peddling a particularly fashionable Proctor vest which she would be happy to sell you for about fifty bucks.

Alex lives in a lovely victorian house with about 60 feet of frontage on Highland Lake, a parcel known locally as Estin Yacht Club.

Think I'm kidding? There's a burgee, and you can get EYC polo shirts.

Alex's black lab, Sambuca, just had 6 puppies. Panic grew during gestation as ugly, persistent rumors questioned her mate's identity. I'm not suggesting Alex was careless in protecting Sam during estrus, but we ended up rooting for the neighbor's lab that had torn through the screen door in June over Alex's dad's greyhound. If the latter sire had been successful, Sam's issue would have included lightening fast dogs of low wattage....a truly regrettable breed. (Imagine a persistent dog insisting that you throw something--with the hindquarters of a whippet.) Happily, the blessed event yielded four male and two female black lab pups.

Sambuca and six black lab puppies. Don't wait to put in your request!

The Estin Yacht Club burgee.