May (2014)
What We Meant
April (2014)
Earth In Mind
February (2014)
Looking Ahead
January (2014)
November (2013)
October (2013)
September (2013)
May (2013)
April (2013)
March (2013)
February (2013)

Forty-three families of newly admitted students drove through a significant snowstorm to revisit Proctor Friday. We said all of the predictable things like "Too bad about the weather!" but the truth is that snow in April is common, and the campus looks a heck of a lot better blanketed in fresh snow than it did Thursday, when it was oozing mud and ancient doggie droppings. Breakfast was a mob scene, as visiting 8th and 9th graders were paired with current students:

Students then set off--hoping to experience Proctor being itself (except for the fact that ninth and tenth grade classes were suddenly overcrowded). Meanwhile, Steve entertained parents with a discussion of this school's unique mission and how it translates into specific programs and services. Then faculty took parents on campus tours. Seniors had a special meeting at 10:15 to free up seats for all of the visitors in assembly.

In assembly, K.C. Lawler presented a lecture/tour of Ghana, a nation she has visited repeatedly. Students modeled traditional Ghanan garb.

The tone shifted at the end of assembly, when John and Blair invited people to join them dancing to protest spring snowfall. All in all, I think it worked. For visiting families, I mean.

Chris Bartlett '86, Director of Admission with a mission: to build the community that will be Proctor in 2003-04.
Current students hold cards matching them to the visitors they will host for the morning.
Off we go, into the snow, to classes.
Sam, a visiting 8th grader, with Sean, a seasoned Proctor freshman.
With the help of a Power Point show, Steve clarifies Proctor's mission for parents.
K.C. narrates her slideshow of Ghana.
Interpretive dance: John and Blair protest snow...
...and it seems to work.