May (2014)
What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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February (2013)
Best of... #6
While Chuck is away on vacation, we're bringing back the most popular Chuck's Corners. This one provides a window into Proctor's extraordinary mission.

Let's see if we can convey Proctor's unique qualities in a consise manner. First, when my advisee's English teacher expresses some concerns with Jamie's skills levels, Learning Skills teacher Rick Browner quickly administers achievement testing (both at 8th and 9th grade levels)

and determines that Jamie should be successful in his current placement. Happily, Jamie is highly motivated to succeed...which pretty much guarantees success here due to support systems.

Teaching through immediate experience makes learning indelible and transformational. From Spain we receive this image of the fall group trying the local lollipops in Segovia:

And when it's time to transfer the Chairpersonship of the Board of Trustees from John O'Connor '79 (Right) to Carl Oppenheim (Par '97, Left) you hand over the Lakota "talking stick."

How else?

Motivation is key. Here, Matt breaks in to his English class.
A little help from a friend goes a long way....
It's definitely cool to be an individual. Joe knows how to get it done with the disk.
New to the Development Office: lava lamps.