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What We Meant
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Earth In Mind
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Looking Ahead
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Stress Management

When things are going right, students respond to challenges with high productivity and lots of success. This requires stress, of course, and plenty of it. How we cope with this high-volume expenditure of energy is idiosyncratic. Each of us finds her own way, like Ashley, here in the art studio:

For many, it helps to have someone to whom you can turn for counsel...just a receptive ear. For this reason, Peer Counselors receive training in active listening, and are available to any student in times of acute stress or emotional discomfort.

It's different on mountain Classroom, where ten kids and two adults have been managing a very different kind of stress: long hours on frozen arduous dog sledding expedition in Minnesota...and a dramatic lack of privacy. You can be sure that they have opportunities to vent as they tour the northern plains.

Back in Andover, in an attempt to promote community health, Steve has declared Thursday morning a "sleep-in" till assembly at 10:00.

A pensive moment in Slocumb Hall.
Expression through the arts.
The Development Office's Kelly Jarvis has been pumping iron over lunch with extraordinary results.
Nicola and Adam are having very different experiences on Mountain Classroom.
In South Dakota, Josh and Gwenn struggle to cope.
Can't we all just get along?