Parties and ponds.
I busted some teenagers partying in my backyard last night. They were really playing with fire...
Elsewhere around my yard, I recently survived a bout of compulsive shoveling... it looked like I was digging my grave.... In fact I was building a 8-by-5 goldfish pond with an attached "filter pond." The whole thing looks like an "8" and is no doubt a Freudian expression of my childhood obsession with Carl Yastrzemski and Ken Hodge.
It turns out the only tree you can't grow near an aquatic garden is a black walnut; they poison the area. Too bad I didn't know that when I started digging like a madman two weeks ago. I wouldn't have started next to that walnut tree my wife lovingly transplanted from Jack Mansell's yard before Jack died. No problem; I'll transplant it!