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Clear de loon from 7/16/2001

We were on a death watch for the loon that landed in the pond recently. The NH Society for the Protection of Loons informed us that it didn't have room to take off, and was doomed to tire and weaken in front of us. With luck, it would beach itself, allowing the NSSPOLs to take it to a bigger pond. In reality, it seems, the loon was engorging itself on our mutant tadpoles, and had no intention of leaving until they were gone. Sated, the bird left, and the pond is loon free.

Everyone associated with the Gordon Research Conferences is prohibited from refering to conferees as "gordoes." That priviledge is left to the rest of us. We made a big deal about the final assemblies in Holland Auditorium this spring, but the truth is that it's packed with gordoes five days a week.

These are molecular membrane biologists, and they seem to be a happy, whimsical lot. Not so last week's catecholaminists (who talked about dopamines serving as neurotransmitters.) One of the catecholamists is such a star that CNN sent a crew up to interview her and some peers raving about her for an upcoming special on achievers in medicine. Here they are conducting an interview in the Business Office:

Ultimate frisbee is being played Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6 on Carr field. The last contest featured a brilliant rainbow:

Supposedly doomed, gluttonous waterfowl.
The pond, clair de loon.